Please note REGISTER ONLINE - the system is likely to be very slow on Saturday ( we are feeling the effects of the Asian Cup) and it is likely that we will not be able to Register too many players. Happy to register first time Westside Players and those without Internet access, but just be prepared for a wait.
Come to the Information Day to buy Westside Socks & Shirts and to Volunteer to be a Coach/Team Manager and to talk with the Westside Committee.
After this Saturday please purchase your Adidas Shorts and Socks Package for $30 from Route 66, 143 Charles St, Launceston. All sizes are in stock now!
For as little as $270 you can sponsor a Westside Devils Team (U6, U7). We need sponsors to help us maintain the high standard we have achieved over the last 4 years. For further information please contact Michael Hancox 0448 888 648.
Westside Devils have the privilege of running the NTJSA Canteen for 2015. This is a major fundraiser for our club and will set us up for the next 7 yrs until we get it again. Each Team will be expected to assist for a few hours over the course of the season. Please contact Louise Lucas after working hours on 0418 322 854 if you can volunteer some time. We are also needing people to donate cooked meals for Friday night patrons such as pumpkin soup, pea and ham soup, pasta’s, slow cooker type meals - good for cold Tassie nights.
We can’t emphasise this enough - you must have a Working with Children Card in order to coach this year. It can take up to 7 weeks to process so please get your application to Service Tas ASAP.
Hope to see you on Saturday. Tell your friends!
Heres to a great Season 2015!